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June 18, 2007 Minutes
Town of East Windsor
Economic Development Commission
11 Rye Street, P.O. Box 389
Broad Brook, CT 06016
Regular Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2007

Chairman Moffett called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall Annex, 25 School Street, Warehouse Point, CT.


Members Present:        Eric F. Moffett, Richard Covill, Jim Richards, Matt Crossen, Josh Kapelner and Michael Maloney

Members unable          Sharon Aprea
to attend:

Also in attendance:     Laurie Whitten, Director of Planning & Development


  Economic Development Issues

Ms. Whitten noted that the check has been sent to MetroHartford Alliance and as of July 1st they are effective.  Mr. Moffet said the MHA is willing to meet with them.  He will set up appointments.  He felt the first strategy is to educate the town, get town leaders focused.  

Board members discussed ways to get publicity.  It was suggested to ask new businesses to have the EDC at their grand opening and having photos in the local newspapers.  They have to show the town’s people that there is a group trying to encourage growth.  

It was noted that the town budget passed on May 24, 2007.  Mr. Covill said that he will have a letter by the next meeting.  

Mr. Richards indicated that the Rotary will be holding a Peddlers’ Bazaar at the Broad Brook Plaza on Sunday, August 5, from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.  

Mr. Richards referred to the East Windsor Chamber brochure.  He said he wants to do a brochure that they can pass out.  He suggested a joint project between the EDC and the Chamber.

MOTION: To consider making an alliance with the Chamber of Commerce to create a brochure.               Covill / Crossen

In discussion after the motion was made, Mr. Maloney said that he was not in favor.  He saw no reason why they couldn’t make their own brochure.  Mr. Richards said the Town is a member of the Chamber; the First Selectman is a non-voting member.

Amended MOTION: That we investigate the possibility of creating a co-sponsored brochure between the Chamber of Commerce and the EDC.            Covill / Crossen

In Favor:       Covill; Crossen; Richards; Kapelner; Moffett
Opposed:        Maloney

Ms. Whitten informed the Board members that she received a phone call from King Coil regarding 24 Thompson Road.  That could potentially bring in about 100 employees.

The Board members discussed finding a new location for the meetings.   They would prefer meeting at the town hall.

MOTION: That we move to a split room at the town hall meeting room or meet in the hallway of the town hall.
                                                Richards / Kapelner / Unanimous

¾       Sewer Service Area Map Draft, Review and Comment

Ms. Whitten explained that this map is based on the State OPM map.  The WPCA is looking for their overall comments.  This will go to a public hearing.  She said from a zoning standpoint it promotes residential sprawl and would do away with creative development.  After some discussion, the Board members felt that it was a very “business-friendly” map but it encourages residential sprawl.  Mr. Moffett will send a letter to the WPCA.  

MOTION: To send a letter to Nancy Rudek in appreciation and thanking her for her years of service to the EDC.
                                        Covill / Crossen / Unanimous


        MOTION: To approve the Special Meeting minutes of May 21, 2007.
                                                        Covill / Richards / Unanimous


MOTION:  To adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.              
Kapelner / Richards/Unanimous

Respectfully submitted,

        Marlene Bauer
Recording Secretary